Help Veterans produce & film Civility Clips.

$1, $2, $3, $4, $5 donations are welcome!

Civility Clips

What is Civility Clips??? Civility Clips present essential life skills content, some with a funny spin, for critical thinking on issues that include best practices on how-to interact with figures of authority such as police, teachers, and employers, as well as reporting crime, seeking help from addiction, and deglorifying/demystifying unhealthy, unsafe, violent lifestyle choices.

Why do we need your donation?

Your funding enables Veterans to produce and film Civility Clip's antiracism, social equality, and criminal justice reform themed content for posting across social media platforms.

What's your suggestion to produce?

"What to do and-or not to do when stopped by police." / "The power of words like sir & mam." / "Stop robbing, killing, breaking laws & destroying lives." / "Break the law, get arrested, be prosecuted, go to jail." / "Race-baiting." / "Why can only black people use the N word?" / "Instead of tougher gun laws, we need tougher laws on cold blooded murderers." / "How ones attitude, language, dress attire and body-art could possibly be perceived by others." / "Eye contact, verbal & nonverbal communication." / "Anti-gun violence messaging." / "De-escalation tactics." / And more....

Social Media 101

Civility Clips, like success in marketing, is the art of changing perceptions and attitudes by motivating targeted audiences to change behaviors to desired actions through content that educates, informs, inspires, shocks, embarrasses, humiliates, humbles, and/or shames, etc.

Together united, let's offend the offenders --- Civility Clips calls out "who" and "what" needs to be called out...

Civility Foundation's charter, to be clear, is uniting races and religions as one people, as Americans, saying in one united voice enough is enough!!!

It's a given that most people, no matter their race/religion, are good and decent people! In many ways, we are in a battle from within, with our own sons, daughters, brothers and sisters -BAD SEEDS- to take back from them our cities & communities to have a civil way of life.

Civility Foundation believes as Americans we need to be united in holding our own accountable for their behaviors and actions against society.